Buying A Home In Baytown Tx

Buying A Home In Baytown TX

Are you thinking about Buying A Home In Baytown TX?

Buying A Home In Baytown TX? Hi, I'm WillTJRealty or will Johnson and I'm gonna discuss 7 Reasons why you should be Buying A Home In Baytown TX.

1. Tax Benefits

Baytown is mostly Harris county, but a portion is chambers county. when you own a house you can write off the interest that you pay on your house. You have depreciation, if you have big repairs that go to your house you can write those things off, also you get a tax break just from being a homeowner. President Trump Has Changed Some Of The Tax Laws so check to know exactly what you can write off

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2. Appreciation

Baytown has a lot of power plants which makes the whole city go up in value. so this creates appreciation. For example if you stay somewhere and strip-mall comes close by and it appreciates the value of all the houses in the neighborhood, your house will go up in value also. You can buy a house for a hundred thousand dollars and if it's in a really good area and prices of the area really go up within five years, you can sell your house for $200,000 if it happens that way or it may appreciate just a little bit, but the fact of the matter is, In general, the market always goes up in value and always appreciates. So when you buy a house and if you stay there and you pay off your 30-year mortgage most likely the house is going to be worth more after you're done paying for the house.

3. Equity

Money paid for rent you will never get back but the money paid on your mortgage goes towards your equity so it’s money that you’re building. If you pay off a hundred thousand dollar house that’s 100 thousand dollars you can have when you sell the house and if you’ve paid it off most likely it’s appreciated, so you may sell it for more like 120k or 150k. This brings us to number four

4. savings

So having a house is building up your equity, it is it’s own savings account. So when you pay the house off that’s your equity and that’s money in your pocket you will get this if you ever move or decide to refinance and pull the money back out and use it if you wanted to do that or you can just keep the house the way it is but nevertheless, you can use it as a savings account.

5. Predictability

unlike rent that goes up from time to time when you get a mortgage, you’re gonna most likely get a fixed-rate mortgage which means within the next 30 years you can expect your payment to be exactly the same. So you don’t have to worry about your payments going up. You can get more bills on your house more services on your house but your mortgage would stay the same, you won’t have to worry about that going up so it’s your choice.

Baytown Art

6. Freedom

So your home is yours you can do anything you want I’ve been to apartments and they’ve said they don’t want anyone to make much noise. If you have your own house you can do whatever you want but your neighbor can still, complain, but it’s not like an apartment to where someone is on the other side of the wall. When you have way more freedom you can do things like build whatever you want to build within the parameters of your property. these are your rights as a property owner. You have air rights and you can take minerals out of your ground if you strike oil, or some gold and silver it is yours because that’s called your mineral rights with the property that you have.

7. Stability

So by having a house and staying in a location for a while, you could be more stable as a person you could build lasting memories in your community, it brings you stability. Baytown is a very stable and predictable place to live and their steadily growing.

So These Are The 7 THINGS YOU NEED TO DO WHEN BUYING A HOME IN BAYTOWN TX. If you need any assistance with the home buying process just contact the willtjrealty team, or if you have more questions about the home buying process vitit our FAQ page